Vanbrugh Castle School

Xmas Parties

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American Parties

In the 1950's the American Embassy began a tradition by arranging a Christmas treat for the younger boys. At first the boys were taken to an American Air Force base by coach for a slap-up do and entertainment.

In later years,when the upper age limit at the school was 13yrs, the parties were held at the school and enjoyed by all the boys with presents supplied by the Americans.

Xmas 1961.

The American Party held in the new Games Room. Kevin Mulligan and others.

Xmas 1969

These two photos were taken at the American Xmas Party, probably 1969. Headmaster John Corner by tree. Includes Duncan Brown and Campbell to the right.

Xmas 1969

Duncan Brown and Javaid Rashid at the party with Barry and Antony Seaton in foreground.

Xmas 1969

The band plays for the school

Xmas 1970

A thinly disguised Corner gives Colin Cummings his Christmas present.
The boys were given a root beer soft drink which they disliked.
The handyman, Mr Cheesman, who was well liked by the boys, appears far left.